Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

This is the most inspiring book i have ever read.

Randy Pausch wrote a book called The Last Lecture when he discovered that he was going to die from cancer. He dedicated his final moments of life to this book and the presentation he called his 'last lecture'. Reading his book i was moved, sometimes to laughter, but more regularly to tears. Not because it was sad but because he was such an inspiration simply through his passion of life that he transfered into words. It saddens me when someone so humble and generous and with so much to offer is given an early end. Randy's knowledge, his love of learning and his positive, warm demeanour was lost before he truly had time to unleash it on the world. I am pleased that his children will be able to relate to and understand their father through the book and his last lecture presentation that can be seen on youtube. His love for life is contagious, and presented through his book and he demonstrated a perspective and a knowledge that i had never experienced before. His words warmed my heart and i learnt so much from him through his passion for life.

I know his kids love and respect him and will learn to understand the father they didnt have long to be with because i truly believe Randy is an example of an admirable man and a testament to the way people should live.

R.I.P. Randy Pausch.

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