Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gossip Girl

One of my favourite television shows is Gossip Girl, its so easy to just lie back and get totally caught up in the over the top scandal, crazy fashion outfits and just all round rich-ness that oodes from these characters.

I think each character offers something to the show that without this show would be missing and thats what has made it such a success.

Little Jenny Humphrey used to be my favourite character as she epitomised the character that people could actually relate to. She was bullied by her classmates and she found it hard to fit into a school that had girls whose shoes probably cost more than her entire apartment in Brooklyn. But she had a sassy confidence that was admirable for her position and this made me like her.

However she underwent a transformation that left her looking like a try hard rocker chick. It worked for a while and theres no doubt that she pulled the whole look off in the best way possible but i think the naiive schoolgirl will be missed from this show. Though i have to say the make out scene between her and Nate was rather brilliant.

Serena is probably the most lovable character though i have read the books and think that she is a little less crazy in the show. I would love to see her get into a bit more trouble, though this has happened (she did kind of kill a guy while taking drugs). She fits the image of Serena from the book series really well as do Blair and Chuck. The only let down would have to be Vanessa who is supposed to have a shaved head. I guess the casting agents went with looks rather than accuracy when choosing Jessica Szohr for the part.

The characters that i love are Chuck and Nate. Nate because he is so unbelievably good looking i almost cant take my eyes off him when he is in a scene. And Chuck because he is so good at playing the sleezy, rich kid that he almost scares me. Hes the perfect Chuck and the budding romance between him and Blair does nothing but reinforce his coniving personality.

The fact that in real life Vanessa and Chuck are together is a little strange but kinda cute at the same time. They match in the whole opposites attract kind of way.

Its a very cool show and i hope it continues for a few more seasons yet though im not a fan of the spin off with Brittany Snow as a young Lily Bass, thats a bit weird for my tastes. However i think Gossip Girl is kind of like my guilty pleasure. I know its all overly exaggerated but the fashion on the show and these lovable characters who lead the most enviable lives are hard to refrain from watching!

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