I also hope that in years to come i can look back on this blog and remember things that were happening at the time that i wouldnt have remembered otherwise. Kind of like a time capsule i guess.
I love to read other blogs, especially people who write them well, people like my uncle, and my all time idol of eloquent speaking (though i dont believe he has a blog), Barack Obama, President of the US. When he speak his words don't tumble out but they flow, sometimes almost as if he is speaking poetry. Having the aspiration to be a journalist, i find his eloquent speaking quite an inspiration as i wish i could write on paper the way he speaks to millions across the world.
I hope that i get used to this whole blog thing, my writing will improve, im only just getting used to the whole concept, but i like it!
I love blogs that are efficiently and regularly updated so i will try to keep mine up to date including using pictures and videos.
Expect to see things i enjoy on my blog, anything from the Silver Ferns to female surfing stars of now and the future, it could be anything!
So thats it for my post, hopefully things will get more specific and more interesting as time prevails!
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